Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thing #1 - Reflections on Lifelong Learning

The "Habit" that I found to be the most difficult in my own life I believe would be Habit #4. I have, until recently, always questioned my abilities. I always felt that I was just putting on a front and eventually someone would figure me out. It wasn't that I didn't have the abilities, but that I simply didn't believe in them. I have recently found many opportunities to use my own personal strengths in my personal and professional life and this has given me the confidence to believe in myself which, in turn, has shown me that others believe in me, too. This is a very important habit because it can make or break your journey to reaching your goals.

Habit #7 is probably the easiest for me. I have always found that teaching others strengthens my own knowledge. If I am able to effectively teach something to another person I build confidence in myself and my abilities. A lifelong learner should always be "paying it forward".

The Habit that I think will be an asset to me through this course is Habit #2: Accept responsibility for your own learning. It is important that I take the time to truly learn from this experience and use the knowledge to further my effectiveness as an educator. My choice to participate in Learning 2.0: 23 things was to improve my ability to utilize technology in my classroom and I need to take the responsibility for gaining as much knowledge as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Very well stated. I also struggle with habit #4, having confidence in my ability to learn and convey the learning in a meaningful way to my students. I think that we will learn a great deal through this course of 23 things. Continue on the path.
